Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So I'm starting to think about dinner, and I've been challenging myself to clean out the pantry/freezer before I start buying more produce, so I'm toying with some options for dinner. I've got some ahi in the freezer and I'm thinking about doing an Asian variation of a tuna salad with some roasted vegetables (I will be posting my roast vegetables recipe later--it is amazing), but I also have a ton of points left for dinner, so I'm debating doing something decadent like a risotto...and I could def use those carbs if I'm going to try to run again tomorrow...thoughts?


Natasha_Altruista said...

i'm still waiting patiently for this epic roasted vegetable recipe! lol :)

sarahbthatsme said...

I just posted this recipe under my post: "Roast Veggies and Chicken"-http://sarahbthatsmeblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/roast-veggies-and-chicken.html?spref=fb

I hope you like it and thanks for the comment!